2008. okt. 29.


2008. okt. 27.


I have a lot of homework at school and I have to do them as soon as possible. Today I was late from the first class.
Hmm( ̄~ ̄;) Monday mornings..... blah...
The teacher teased me all the time like "Its not a gym club where you can enter whenever you want!"
( ´ ▽ ` ) oh my. She hates me now.

2008. okt. 26.


A rose, by any other name
would get the blame for being what it is,
the color of a kiss, the shadow of a flame
A rose may earn another name
So call it love
And love is like the sea, which changes constantly
And yet... is still the same.

2008. okt. 25.


Some of you asked me what kind of tools Im drawing with!
One of them is my Fabercastell 0.1 pen!
Hyahhaa (^□^*) I dont have money to order Neopiko... That is surely better. I drew my comic "So long Miss Lemon Tea" with Neopiko 0.5 pen so it used out quickly.
Fabercastell is useful to make frames and black hair!

2008. okt. 24.


Hát elvileg most szünet van! XD Nagyon komoly 2 napos ősziszünet, azigen!
Nem is tudok mit kezdeni ennyi szabadidővel :D ohwell~ Legalább a lakásban egyedül vagyok, mert Ági és Gabi hazamentek B-)

2008. okt. 23.

Moulin Rouge

I watched Moulin Rouge... again( ´∀`)
Its one of my favourite movie!
Yay~ (*≧▽≦)
I really love Nicole Kidman! She is so pretty~ And she can sing wonderful!♪

2008. okt. 22.

New bag

Today I bought a new bag. I went shopping in a hurry so I just picked the first bag I saw. Im thinking about ordering a Louis Vuitton bag from California but its a bit expensive

2008. okt. 19.


Waiii~ O(≧∇≦)O
One of my fav artist Hed Kandi is now has a fragrance that captures the very essence of Ibiza! It was mixed just like music from sweet mandarin, sharp lemon, orange, fresh apple and aromatic bergamot. These swoop into the seductive heart of the scent which blends grape, red berries, summery pineapple and delicately floral jasmine.
I absolutely have to buy it!!!!!!!! o(^^o)(o^^)o
Ohh and if you are interested there is an Eivissa competition on the official Hed Kandi website! You can win VIP tickets or Eivissa goody bags! Good luck everyone! ヾ(^∇^)

2008. okt. 18.

Winter is near

Hű tegnap olyan hideg volt, úgy fáztam! Meg is kértem Ágit, hogy tekerje fel a fűtést és azonnal bezárkóztam a fürdőbe. Minden nap teleengedem a kádat forró vízzel, és vagy fél órát ücsörgök benne. Ez annyira megnyugtató! Próbáljátok ki! ;)

2008. okt. 17.

Im so messy

I have to tidy my room. m(_ _)m
But Im too lazy for thaaaat~ Instead Im reading Saint Dragon Girl ('-'*) Its such a cute story I dont want stop reading and tidy my room.

2008. okt. 16.


Im listening slow piano music while inking Mipu.
During ballet performances there are a lot of beautiful songs.
I like them they are so peaceful.

2008. okt. 15.

Get better 'sis!

Today in school the teacher talked about comics and he asked if anyone from the class made comics before. Haha I was totally silent (*≧▽≦)
Btw my sister is sick so I hope she will get better soon ('-'*)

2008. okt. 14.


Elkezdek tesizni! Bizonyám ;-)
Igaz tervbe van már véve egy ideje XD Jobb később, mint soha! Szerintetek mit válasszak? Aerobic, jóga, relaxáció, fitness, kosár, kézilabda? Az úszás ki van zárva :(

2008. okt. 13.

Milk to Popular

Today my heart really ached... biologically (*゜Д゜*)
It was a bit scary... After calming down I started to ink my story "Milk to Popular"... ahh such a long title...
Lets call it "Mipu"!(^_-)☆wink

2008. okt. 12.

Master and Margarita

At the moment Im watching the movie version of my favourite book: Master and Margarita. It was written by Mihail Bulgakov and its about the communism. Its a bit confusing since I imagined the charas totally differently. First of all, as for Margarita I would vote for Gemma Ward... and as for the Master... hmmm Brad Pitt! Hella is totally Nicole Kidman and Korovjov is Johnny Depp... etc etc etc. Jesus was just great! I liked his clear blue eyes filled with emotions!

2008. okt. 11.

A szombat unalmas!

Ma mennem kéne vásárolni... de egy picit rosszul érzem magam...
Nincs kedvem kimozdulni, hjajj remélem gyorsan találok pár dolgot ami feldob! Iszok egy kis energia italt és beteszek pár pörgős zenét...

2008. okt. 10.

d( -_- )b

One of my favourite free time activity is to walk! ( ゚▽゚)
I like walking aimlessly with my mp3 playerー♪

2008. okt. 8.


This picture was inspired by Selena Lin! p(*^-^*)q
I love her works so much! And her usual motive is this little heart with wings!
Cute!!! (^∇^)v

2008. okt. 6.


Im using a lot of makeup every day (^▽^*)
Doing the makeup is like painting a picture ( ゚▽゚)
I always borrow some ideas from the fashion industry and from my favourite models. Lately Snejana Onopka. She has a sleepy but pretty face and I like her very much! ( ^-^)

2008. okt. 5.

I have a lot to do

Társadalomelmélet esszét írok... mert? Mert én fogok kiselőadást tartani!

2008. okt. 4.


Az épület, melyet messze elkerülök XD
Najónemis :P
Idén sokkal többször voltam bent mint tavaly, és az se tévesszen meg senkit, hogy ezt a hetet végiglógtam XD
Igazából jó hatással van rám, hogy Ágival lakok, mert sokszor vannak közös óráink, és beráncigál mindre. Még a Filmesztétikára is, ami este tízig!!!! szokott tartani! Wááá~(ToT)

2008. okt. 2.

New story

Im drawing again!
My new work is called 'Milk to Popular'!
soocuuute~ (o ̄∇ ̄o)