Did I ever mentioned how much I like girls with swords? (>ω<*) When I saw this picture I immediately took a photo
o(^^o)(o^^)o Its a scene from the Bible! My friends said this painting is horrible but I still like it (^▽^*) What do you think? Is it a nice picture or is it a scary one?
We visited a lot of museum today \(--)/ -phew In the picture you can see my teacher in red white baseball hat... There are two other friends of mine... Emoke in the white coat and next to her its Dori. Unfortunately I couldnt make closer picchus from them ―(T_T)
Tonight I met with my sister! She has cute glasses ne? (^ ^)/ We are not blood related but everyone says that we totally resemble to each other (≧∇≦) And she is really close to me so I just calling her my sister (*^^)^*) ☆Chu!! She bought a Pacha bag and now I totally want one as well ( ゚ - ゚)
Today I went to Vienna with my class~ Woah~ It was amazing! ( ゚▽゚) I tried to make a lot of pictures in the churches and the museums... However I was really tired I wanted to see everything.
My friend Rena Kiss is now 21 years old~ yay^^~ I gave her one of my drawing as a present♪ Unfortunately I couldnt stay long at the party~ Anyway! Im really happy to her^-^
Egy picit szégyenlem, hogy egy gyönyörű botanikuskerttel büszkélkedhet a fősulim és én még sose mentem be megnézni. Pedig tényleg érdekel! Imádom a gyönyörű és egzotikus virágokat... Ha ti is kivik vagytok rá, látogassatok el a honlapjára!
....no. This time WITHOUT the Brain! ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ You may wont be surprised that my mp3player is also pink inside the bag... (  ̄)y―oo0O0O〇○** snap Im a girl anyway ( ´ ▽ ` ) hohhoho~
I couldnt write for a few days because I moved to a new flat and I didnt had internet @___@ bwahh~ For now Im living together with 2 girls^^ One of them is my friend from school: Agi! And the other... ... ( ´∀`) I dont know her.......... is it cruel from me if I say she looks uncool? (’-’*) Is it? Is it??? Her first question when she moved in was: "Do you guys smoke cigarettes?" And I replied: "No... We smoke weed" (`ー´) XDDD Agi laughed so hard omg...
I will move back to Nyiregyhaza soon~~~~ Lets see... bad things... -The weather will be hot! -I gained 3kg!!!! TRAGEDY! I tried to calm down but my cute little kitty t-shirt wont fit on me waaaah~~~ -there are no more chocolate at home! oh shi~ Dont think about chocolate fat whore!!! (゚∀´(┗┐ヽ(・∀・ )ノ *kick* buruburuburuburu~*praying lucky charms*
VAN ISTEN! háhháháháháháháháháhh! Vizsgakurzust hirdettek anyagtanból :D Jajj... hát én mindjárt sírok XD Böbéjék pedig mennyit szekáltak h jaaaj majd kibasznak suliból meg jöhetek ujra felvételizni h nincs meg az anyagtan stbstb... nja bekaphatjátok! MUHAHA! Köszönöm. Mosolyogva fogom metszeni a linót. Köszönöm. Tényleg.
There is a Singer Idol contest in my country like all around the world, its called Megastar, and there is a lot of talented people... ok... to tell the truth I watch it mostly for the funny scenes :D but nah~ Nguyen Thang Hien is a 15 years old girl and Im really cheering for her! I hope she will win!!!! She is talented, please watch the video and listen to her voice^^~
I planned a lot of things to this month... I want to be better in school, make more friends... and die my hair as soon as possible! Ahh... and of course DRAWING DRAWING DRAWING~ I didnt lost the spirit, duh~